Hey you, thanks
for stopping by.

I'm Vitor Hugo Favero,
a Brazilian Art Director
and Designer.

I'm also a triathlon enthusiast, so whether you want to chat about sports, advertising, design or just want to swap stories, feel free to reach out. 


︎ vhfavero97@gmail.com
︎ +55 (16) 99706-6661
︎ Linkedin
︎ Instagram


FCB Global
Since 09.2022

07.2021 - 09.2022

Crispin Porter + Bogusky Brasil
03.2019 - 07.2021 

Almap BBDO
03.2018 - 03.2019

Sapient AG2
09.2016 - 03.2018


05.2024 | Emmy® Awards Winners and Nominees

05.2024 | The One Club for Creativity Global Creative Rankings 2024

12.2023 | Cannes Lions Creativity Report Rankings 2023

11.2023 | Ad Takeaway



#1 Art Director 2024 ADC Awards Creative Rankings

#2 Art Director 2024 One Show Creative Rankings

2024 Emmy® Awards Winner for Outstanding Digital Innovation

2024 Emmy® Awards Nominee for Outstanding Short Documentary

2024 | Cannes Lions | Digital Craft | Gold
2024 | Cannes Lions | Entertainment Lions for Sports | Gold
2024 | Cannes Lions | Digital Craft | Silver
2024 | Cannes Lions | Entertainment Lions for Sports | Silver
2024 | Cannes Lions | Brand Experience and Activation | Silver
2024 | Cannes Lions | Entertainment | Bronze
2024 | Cannes Lions | 17x Shorlist

2024 | D&AD | Integrated | Yellow Pencil
2024 | D&AD | Entertainment | Yellow Pencil
2024 | D&AD | Experiential | Yellow Pencil
2024 | D&AD | Digital & Social | Graphite Pencil
2024 | D&AD | Media | Graphite Pencil
2024 | D&AD | Experiential | Graphite Pencil
2024 | D&AD | Casting | Graphite Pencil
2024 | D&AD | Spatial Design | Wood Pencil
2024 | D&AD | Integrated | Wood Pencil
2024 | D&AD | Digital & Social | Wood Pencil
2024 | D&AD | Entertainment | Wood Pencil
2024 | D&AD | Media | Wood Pencil
2024 | D&AD | Radio & Audio | Wood Pencil
2024 | D&AD | Innovation | Wood Pencil
2024 | D&AD | Casting | Wood Pencil

2024 | The One Show | Best of Interactive & Mobile Craft
2024 | The One Show | Best of Music & Sound Craft
2024 | The One Show | Best of Radio & Audio
2024 | The One Show | Branded Entertainment | Gold Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Creative Use of Technology | Gold Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Experiential & Immersive | Gold Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Experiential & Immersive | Gold Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Experiential & Immersive | Gold Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Integrated / Omnichannel | Gold Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Interactive & Mobile Craft | Gold Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Interactive & Mobile Craft | Gold Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Moving Image Craft & Production | Gold Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Music & Sound Craft | Gold Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Radio & Audio-First | Gold Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Radio & Audio-First | Gold Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Radio & Audio-First | Gold Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Branded Entertainment | Gold Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Branded Entertainment | Silver Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Creative Use of Data | Silver Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Creative Use of Technology | Silver Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Design | Silver Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Experiential & Immersive | Silver Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Experiential & Immersive | Silver Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Experiential & Immersive | Silver Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Interactive, Online & Mobile | Silver Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Radio & Audio-First | Silver Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Radio & Audio-First | Silver Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Branded Entertainment | Bronze Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Creative Use of Data | Bronze Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Design | Bronze Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Interactive & Mobile Craft | Bronze Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Interactive & Mobile Craft | Bronze Pencil
2024 | The One Show | Music & Sound Craft | Bronze Pencil

2024 | ADC Awards | Best of Discipline in Artificial Intelligence
2024 | ADC Awards | Best of Discipline in Experiential Design
2024 | ADC Awards | Best of Discipline in Interactive
2024 | ADC Awards | Artificial Intelligence | Gold Cube
2024 | ADC Awards | Experiential Design | Gold Cube
2024 | ADC Awards | Interactive | Gold Cube
2024 | ADC Awards | Advertising | Gold Cube
2024 | ADC Awards | Interactive | Gold Cube
2024 | ADC Awards | Artificial Intelligence | Gold Cube
2024 | ADC Awards | Interactive | Gold Cube
2024 | ADC Awards | Design for Good | Gold Cube
2024 | ADC Awards | Design for Good | Gold Cube
2024 | ADC Awards | Artificial Intelligence | Silver Cube
2024 | ADC Awards | Artificial Intelligence | Silver Cube
2024 | ADC Awards | Experiential Design | Silver Cube
2024 | ADC Awards | Design for Good | Bronze Cube
2024 | ADC Awards | Design for Good | Bronze Cube
2024 | ADC Awards | Motion / Film Craft | Bronze Cube

2024 | Ad Age Creativity Awards | Best Use of AI Winner Campaign

2024 | Spikes Asia | Design | Grand Prix

2024 | Andy Awards | Bravery Winner Campaign
2024 | Andy Awards | Craft Winner Campaign
2024 | Andy Awards | Idea Winner Campaign
2024 | Andy Awards | Reset Winner Campaign
2024 | Andy Awards | Craft Winner Campaign
2024 | Andy Awards | Idea Winner Campaign

2024 | Clio Awards | Audio | Gold
2024 | Clio Awards | Sound Design | Gold
2024 | Clio Awards | Use of Technology | Gold
2024 | Clio Awards | Experience/Activation | Gold
2024 | Clio Awards | Creative Use of Data | Gold
2024 | Clio Awards | Design | Gold
2024 | Clio Awards | Digital/Mobile & Social Media Craft | Gold
2024 | Clio Awards | Branded Entertainment & Content | Gold
2024 | Clio Awards | Audio | Silver
2024 | Clio Awards | Digital/Mobile | Silver
2024 | Clio Awards | User Experience | Silver
2024 | Clio Awards | Experience/Activation | Silver
2024 | Clio Awards | Branded Entertainment & Content | Silver
2024 | Clio Awards | Innovation | Silver
2024 | Clio Awards | Partnerships/Co-Creation | Silver
2024 | Clio Awards | Audio | Bronze
2024 | Clio Awards | Audio Craft | Bronze
2024 | Clio Awards | Branded Entertainment & Content | Bronze
2024 | Clio Awards | Digital/Mobile | Bronze
2024 | Clio Awards | PR | Bronze
2024 | Clio Awards | Digital/Mobile | Bronze


#3 Art Director 2023 Cannes Lions Creativity Report Rankings

2023 | Cannes Lions | Entertainment for Sports | Grand Prix
2023 | Cannes Lions | Industry Craft | Gold
2023 | Cannes Lions | Media | Gold
2023 | Cannes Lions | Design | Silver
2023 | Cannes Lions | Media | Silver
2023 | Cannes Lions | Radio & Audio | Silver
2023 | Cannes Lions | Entertainment for Sports | Bronze
2023 | Cannes Lions | Digital Craft | Bronze
2023 | Cannes Lions | Health & Wellness | Bronze
2023 | Cannes Lions | 14x Shorlist

2023 | Clio Sports | Creative Use of Data | Grand Clio
2023 | Clio Sports | Digital | Grand Clio
2023 | Clio Sports | Medium Innovation | Grand Clio
2023 | Clio Sports | Experiential | Gold
2023 | Clio Sports | Event/Activation Design | Gold
2023 | Clio Sports | Artificial Intelligence | Gold
2023 | Clio Sports | Immersive | Gold
2023 | Clio Sports | Brand x Team/League | Gold
2023 | Clio Sports | Design | Silver
2023 | Clio Sports | Events/Activation | Silver
2023 | Clio Sports | Social Good | Silver
2023 | Clio Sports | Branded Content | Shortlist

2023 | Clio Entertainment | Special Event/Stunt | Gold
2023 | Clio Entertainment | TV/Series: Original Content | Gold

2023 | London International Awards | Branded Content & Entertainment | Gold
2023 | London International Awards | Branded Content & Entertainment | Gold
2023 | London International Awards | Design | Gold
2023 | London International Awards | Non-Traditional | Gold
2023 | London International Awards | Radio & Audio | Gold
2023 | London International Awards | Ambient & Activation | Silver
2023 | London International Awards | Ambient & Activation | Silver
2023 | London International Awards | Branded Content & Entertainment | Silver
2023 | London International Awards | Digital | Silver
2023 | London International Awards | Evolution | Silver
2023 | London International Awards | Integration | Silver
2023 | London International Awards | Radio & Audio | Silver
2023 | London International Awards | Ambient & Activation | Bronze
2023 | London International Awards | Branded Content & Entertainment | Bronze
2023 | London International Awards | Digital | Bronze
2023 | London International Awards | Evolution | Bronze
2023 | London International Awards | Integration | Bronze
2023 | London International Awards | Radio & Audio | Bronze
2023 | London International Awards | Evolution | Shortlist


2021 | Brazilian Creative Club Annual | Art Direction | In Book


2020 | Brazilian Creative Club Annual | PR | Gold
2020 | Brazilian Creative Club Annual | Direct | Silver
2020 | Brazilian Creative Club Annual | Digital | Shortlist

Here's my story.

I first fell in love with creativity when I was a kid… Ok, it might sound cliche, so let's try again.

My relationship with creativity started when I suddenly found a pen at my house, and had the great idea to paint my house's walls.

My parents could have scolded or blamed me at that moment, but instead, they encouraged me.

A 4-year-old kid and a 24-color box of colored pencils together. No rules, no limits, no boundaries. Can you picture that? Oh, man, the world was mine.

Well, a week later, all the walls had a different piece of art made by the little Vitor.

Thanks - or not - to that, this episode helped me to understand that creativity could be the greatest and funniest way to live a life.

Some years later, when I was 18 years old, I started to work in advertising at Sapient AG2, the digital branch of Publicis Group in Brazil.

There, I could work on campaigns for clients like Toyota, Yamaha, and Uber.

After that, I was lucky enough to move to AlmapBBDO, where I discovered my passion for crafting ideas and helped to create campaigns for Havaianas, Volkswagen, Doritos, Pepsi, and other amazing clients.

The next step was at Crispin Porter + Bogusky Brasil.

A place that made me feel at home for almost three years.

There, I had the chance to work with amazing people, make friends and create projects for brands like Stella Artois, Bohemia Brewery, Diageo, Bauducco, PicPay, and Escola RUA.

Besides that, at CP+B, I could win my first award in advertising with a campaign for Stella Artois that became a Global Platform and supported thousands of restaurants around the world to keep their business running during the 2020's pandemic lockdown.

Then, the creativity journey took me to a new challenge at AfricaDDB, where I had the privilege to come up with projects with people who I always admired and who luckily became very special friends.

This resulted in campaigns that I'm really proud of for brands such as Heinz, Vivo, Netflix, and Brahma Brewery.

In the most recent chapter of my career, I accepted the challenge to work as a Global Art Director and Designer, and since then, I've been thrilled to learn from unique talents from all parts of the world at FCB Global.

So... Back to the day I had that pen in my hands. From that moment, I decided to follow the creativity path and nowadays I can say that it can go way beyond those walls.


P.S.: If you made it till here, you know a lot about me. And since we're already friends, I feel comfortable to share I still make some paintings. Check it out at VHIZA